Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Cullens Speaks!

So to speak.

This is how Cullen says, "Daddy, Daddy!" (Alternatively: "Mommy, Mommy!")

First, he grabs the cloth (himself!) and covers his face:

Next, he quickly uncovers his face:

What he expects (and receives) are squeals of delight and something like "I see you!" or "There's Cullen!!"

This might seem like a classic game of peek-a-boo. No, it's more! It was quite amazing to me that Cullen was doing this when I wasn't looking, in order to get my attention. I'm used to being in charge of when and how we interact, but now he's finding ways to tug at the pantleg and say, "Daddy, Daddy! Play with me!"

It's very touching.

I'm calling the local newspaper. I think they'll be interested in this unique and amazing story.

1 comment:

KOphotography Karen Oglesby said...

cullen is not only cute.. he's smart. he'll be doing this sort of act with variations for the next 18 years!