Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Happy, Umm, New Year

Happy New Year everyone! Even with the different time zones represented by the All Things Shomo readership, this sentiment is probably belated... given that it's 2 weeks into the new year already.

Anyway, here's what's new here:

Local News. Did you hear about the new aircraft carrier named after former president and navy pilot George H. W. Bush? That was commissioned here in Norfolk. All the ceremonies were invitation only (and included the former president, current president [not Obama], governor, etc.). My invitation was lost in the mail so I enjoyed reading about it like everyone else...

Religious News. Things have been very busy at New Covenant. Just finished preaching three sermons on a topic of renewed importance - the role of the word of God in the Christian's life. Which reminds me: we have a new church website which you might want to peruse. Still lots we'd like to add.

Animal News. Smarty is still grounded from the internet after that incident with the raw food order. Scoche is enjoying chuck it at the park but insists that we owe her frequent and longer recess times.

Cullen News. We're trying to keep Cullen on a regiment that will prepare him well for being a ring bearer in June! Here he is, checking his body fat:

Cullen also has to keep his weight down for wrestling matches:

He also learned about cell phones recently, and how to put up a big fuss when one is taken away. If your phone number is 850-036-6930, please forgive us for that call!

That's the news from here. More to come as 2009 rolls along.


KOphotography Karen Oglesby said...

I was wondering where you have been.. good to hear and see all of you again! I guess I best get Madison on a tough workout routine for her role as flower girl!

Anonymous said...

cullen needs to chat with his cousin luke to get some pointers...mmmhmm

Kelly said...

Haha, I guess the ring bearer needs to be in shape too! It also looks like Cullen is working on the whole walking thing :)

It's Lisa said...

Great to hear from you again.
I like the church website. Very unique.
Cullen has 5 more months from today to get ready. Go Cullen!!!!!!!