Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tuesday Tips: How to Win a Lady's Heart

In this first installment of Tuesday Tips, some advice for young men. If you wish to win the heart of a lady, you should dress like this:

The sweater vest is always a winner. Of course, the other important point - and you'll notice this if you look closely - is that you should be about 18 months old. The sweater vest really looks best on an 18 month old, and at that age you can still win that lady's heart without too many big expenditures.

Of course, there's always the danger of someone younger swooping in... Which isn't a problem if they're wearing hand-me-downs, but could be a big competition if they're fashion sensible. So don't delay!

(By the way, for you older guys... there's really not much hope... but you can try this.)


It's Lisa said...

Fun blog Ken!!!
With Cullens "little boy" hair cut he sure looks more like a little boy than a toddler.

Anonymous said...

SO cute! Cullen looks like such a little man...


Anonymous said...

i wonder what cullen would look like with a beard. beard's get allllllll the ladiessssss.

Anonymous said...

i wonder what cullen would look like with a beard. beard's get allllllll the ladiessssss.