Sunday, September 13, 2009

Summer's Over, Time for Vacation!

That looks about right...

Yes, it's time for a belated vacation. It has been an incredibly busy summer. Someone said to me last week "I hope you have good weather," and I said, "I really don't care!" Well, now I kind of care. Some nice weather would be, well, nice. But really, I'm mainly looking forward to some time to recharge, read, spend time with Cullen and Cheryl and her family, and take some walks. That's all. Everything else will be a bonus.

And I can't think of a better place to go than a strip of sand that jets out into the ocean and, as luck would have it, stays just barely above sea level. Also known as the Outer Banks.

I'll only be able to be reached by carrier pidgeon. But feel free to send one if you really need me.

See ya!


It's Lisa said...

Have a wonderful, relaxing vacation!!!!!!!


Sharon P. said...

My pidgeon should be arriving shortly...look for one with a purple band around his leg. ;-) Have fun!