Saturday, September 5, 2009

Who Had the Funnest Summer?

This is not as easy a question to answer as you might think.

Of course, Cullen has had a great summer. Enjoying the outdoors:

Learning to take a picture of himself with the digital camera:

Figuring out new devices:

And playing with Dad:

Cullen clearly had a great summer. But, there's a dark horse in this contest. Or rather, a red one (who is not technically a horse).

Coming in at least a close second in the "funnest summer" contest is Smarty, who has been enjoying all the benefits of Camp Anne!

If "enjoying" is the right word...

Hang in there, Smarty, you'll make it!



Jeff said...

Ha! I love the pics of Smarty, she looks about as comfortable in the water as Lucy is. We just bought Lucy a life jacket to help her enjoy swimming, hopefully.

Nancy Morris said...

Smarty looks just a touch dubious...