Saturday, August 9, 2008

Middle Age

While relaxing at a nice hotel in Mountain View, California, I read in USA Today that the median age in the United States is now 37.9 years old.

It so happens that I'm 37.9 years old! This means I am precisely the "middle age."

Does this mean that when I turn 38 I am over the hill, my father-in-law was happy to ask.

The way I look at it, no. You see, the story in USA Today pointed out that the median age has risen to 37.9. I can only assume it will continue to rise incrementally, leaving me on the median indefinitely.

You see, I'm not growing older -- I'm "living on the edge."


Anonymous said...

Hi Ken,

I guess you had better start investing in Grecian Formula and Geritol!


KOphotography Karen Oglesby said...

Happy Birthday .. Middle Age brother!
there is a bonus to those stats you never have to go over the hill-- take it from the older sister -- that's a real bonus