So, Cheryl got me listening to
This American Life. She even bought me some "best of" CDs for my birthday. If you need a laugh this weekend, which I'm certain you do, take time to listen to
this classic story about a high school fiasco. The analysis of what makes for a fiasco is also instructive. Did you have a garden variety "bad day" or was it a "complete fiasco"? This will help you sort through your experiences.
So I'm listening to
another episode, which includes a story about a rock band touring the public library circuit. It takes place in my home state of Michigan, especially the U.P. Not many people know
what U.P. stands for or that Michigan has one. And then I recall... I think my sister blogged, or I suppose emailed me, about this story a couple years ago...
Meanwhile, our American Life is a story all its own...
Each time the babysitter comes over, we have one less piece of furniture. When she started there were two couches, now currently the living room is down to two kitchen chairs and Cullen's toys. (There's good reason.) The closest thing to a couch is the porch swing. And someone just called today about maybe buying the porch swing. So it could be that next week that will be gone too!
The reason, by the way, is that we are getting new furniture. Cheryl's worked hard to find the best furniture at the best price, and I'm very thankful for that. It'll be here in about six weeks. But until then, our babysitter is probably being interviewed by Ira Glass...
Ira: So there's, like, no furniture in the whole house?
Melissa: NO! And I'm thinking to myself, like, the next thing I know there won't even be a porch swing!Ira: Does the baby have a crib?
Melissa: Oh, yes, he's totally taken care of.Ira: Well that's a relief.
Melissa: But I'm seriously like having to sit on the floor the whole time I'm there.