Cullen's a handsome little kid, and enjoyable in every way. We are truly blessed. But I thought it would be appropriate to also share something beyond the nice photos - my greatest hopes for our son.
More than anything, my desire for Cullen is that he would know and walk with God. That through Jesus Christ, Cullen would know the one who made him - know him as both Creator and Redeemer. In his lifetime, he will need the love of God and the truth of God to navigate the many storms and snares of this life.
I hope that Cullen will also enjoy and serve the Lord in whatever vocation he chooses. It doesn't matter to me what he does - I'll just be excited to see where his gifts and talents lie. But I do hope that he will know the joy of serving God through serving others in very practical ways.
Below those hopes, I place a few others.
I hope Cullen will get to know his father better - and longer - than I was able to know mine. I hope he will appreciate and honor his mother, who loves him more than she's ever loved anything on this earth. I hope he will always be confident in his parents' love. I hope he will be forgiving of our mistakes, too.
I hope Cullen will enjoy family, even though right now his extended family is far away. He has a great family, on both sides. I hope he'll have many great childhood memories of his great-grandparents, grandparents, his uncles and aunts, and his cousins.
Yet a few more, in no particular order:
- I hope Cullen will enjoy learning about everything. I can't wait to take him to the Aquarium and to see the Navy ships.
- I hope Cullen will enjoy games, laughter, and animals.
- I hope Cullen will know contentment.
- I hope that Cullen will always know that "Episodes 4-6" of Star Wars came first, and were superior, although the Ewoks were a mistake.
I think that's about it. Did I forget anything?
Let's see... I think I can add a few.
- I hope that he grows up to be a superior Bogglist.
- I hope that he combines an appreciation for classic rock with a greater appreciation for superior rock genre's of the late 90's. (so many these days only know one or the other.)
- Young Shomo offspring.
Like a new and improved Ken.
Will he like Fem-rock?
I'll add one for Cheryl...that'll he'll be an expert horseman. ;-) Seriously though, with parents like you two, how could he go wrong. :-)
OK--reality check--what that boy really needs is to get some good 'ole southern in him and learn how to hunt, fish, and make good BBQ. What else is there really? OK--God and Mama.
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