Actually, let's define our terms. "Eating" also includes refusing to eat and placing food near, but not always inside, the mouth. "Solid" actually means "mushy," which my dictionary defines as "lacking firmness." Does that count as "solid"?
And "food" is in the eye of the beholder...
FYI - Cullen has now officially joined 3 other (slightly older boys)making it a 4 way tie for CUTEST BABY EVER!!
Hi, Cheryl, Ken -
Glad to see Cullen is eating (semi) solid food now. He is really very cute.
I remember how GROSSED OUT you were watching Bethany eat in her early daze. Funny how it is now a proud advertisement.
I like that last shot where he's giving you the eye == like saying.. do you have take a photo of everything I do??? he's so cute!
I kinda wondered as I posted the pictures, "Will anyone without kids think this is cute?" A better question is, "Will anyone with kids think this is cute?" Apparently some do. Not many comments from guys on this string, though...
Cheryl adds that she always thought baby eating habits were kinda gross, too.
It's not gross...yet...but don't worry, gross is coming! (like when the spaghetti and peas end up in in his hair and yours!)
I think the pics are SUPER cute!! And I would have to agree with the first comment that he is definitely the cutest baby ever! He is slowly on his way to being that great ring bearer he was born to be :)
zuri is jealous
Cullen is embarrassed.
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